Global Outreach
Jabez Outreach Ministries is partnering overseer of Jabez Riveride Rianyamwamu (JRR) Church of Kenya, Africa
Pastor Omooria sends greetings of Thank You...
"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting. Holy greetings to you, your family and the ministry staff, in the loving Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Hoping that you are fine in the Lord. Beloved Pastor Christine, here in Kenya Jabez Riverside Church, the merciful precious orphans, church family & my beloved wife Eunice and I we're doing good in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We thank God, every day for the Grace of Jesus Christ for answering our prayers as we prayed for many days, many months to the Lord to send help to us. I thank the almighty God who joined us in the same spirit and the ministry work.

In 2013, God helped you to stand with us with all means: When God joined us, we had 1 bible in the church, thanks be to God for you and your church family provided us with bibles. Twice every month, you send bibles teaching to us to study in the Lord. It blesses us to learn more and more. During sickness here, the hospital bills, the death and burial of our two orphan children that was beaten and raped, Your Jabez church provided food for the orphans, clothes and shoes, during Christmas gifts like soda and goats for us to eat at the Christmas Holidays. etc.
It is so much to tell Jabez Church of the love we have for you!! May the Lord bless you, your family and the loving brothers and sisters in your staff ministry. We give praise unto our almighty God for He bless us to know of your heart toward us as we thank God every day for his grace & mercy. We praise his Holy, Holy name.
As you honor God for the sanctuary, we honor God in agreement and praise God here at Jabez Riverside Church for your ministry. May the God of Abraham, Issacs & Jacob take care of you and your loving church family and the ministry lack nothing covered under the precious blood of Jesus Christ."
Your Brother in Christ,
Pastor Eunice & Joseph Omooria
Jabez Riverside Church
Kenya, Africa